The psalms and canticles of the Common are used at Matins for all feasts of apostles, even where the atniphons are specific to the feast. Accordingly, I've compiled them up here for convenience, for use on upcoming feasts such as that of St Thomas (wcember 21).
Nocturn I
Nocturn III
Nocturn I
Psalm 18
Cæli enárrant glóriam
Dei: * et ópera mánuum eius annúntiat firmaméntum.
The heavens shew forth
the glory of God, and the firmament declareth the work of his hands.
Dies diéi erúctat verbum,
* et nox nocti índicat sciéntiam.
Day to day uttereth
speech, and night to night sheweth knowledge.
Non sunt loquélæ, neque
sermónes, * quorum non audiántur voces eórum.
There are no speeches nor
languages, where their voices are not heard.
In omnem terram exívit
sonus eórum: * et in fines orbis terræ verba eórum.
Their sound hath gone
forth into all the earth: and their words unto the ends of the world.
In sole pósuit
tabernáculum suum: * et ipse tamquam sponsus procédens de thálamo suo:
He hath set his
tabernacle in the sun: and he, as a bridegroom coming out of his bride
Exsultávit ut gigas ad
curréndam viam, * a summo cælo egréssio eius:
Hath rejoiced as a giant
to run the way: his going out is from the end of heaven,
Et occúrsus eius usque ad
summum eius: * nec est qui se abscóndat a calóre eius.
And his circuit even to
the end thereof: and there is no one that can hide himself from his heat.
Lex Dómini immaculáta,
convértens ánimas: * testimónium Dómini fidéle, sapiéntiam præstans párvulis.
The law of the Lord is
unspotted, converting souls: the testimony of the Lord is faithful, giving
wisdom to little ones.
Iustítiæ Dómini rectæ,
lætificántes corda: * præcéptum Dómini lúcidum, illúminans óculos.
The justices of the Lord
are right, rejoicing hearts: the commandment of the Lord is lightsome,
enlightening the eyes.
Timor Dómini sanctus,
pérmanens in sǽculum sǽculi: * iudícia Dómini vera, iustificáta in semetípsa.
The fear of the Lord is
holy, enduring for ever and ever: the judgments of the Lord are true,
justified in themselves.
Desiderabília super aurum
et lápidem pretiósum multum: * et dulcióra super mel et favum.
More to be desired than
gold and many precious stones: and sweeter than honey and the honeycomb.
Étenim servus tuus
custódit ea, * in custodiéndis illis retribútio multa.
For thy servant keepeth
them, and in keeping them there is a great reward.
Delícta quis intéllegit?
ab occúltis meis munda me: * et ab aliénis parce servo tuo.
Who can understand sins?
from my secret ones cleanse me, O Lord: and from those of others spare thy
Si mei non fúerint
domináti, tunc immaculátus ero: * et emundábor a delícto máximo.
If they shall have no
dominion over me, then shall I be without spot: and I shall be cleansed from
the greatest sin.
Et erunt ut compláceant
elóquia oris mei: * et meditátio cordis mei in conspéctu tuo semper.
And the words of my mouth
shall be such as may please: and the meditation of my heart always in thy
Dómine, adiútor meus, *
et redémptor meus.
O Lord, my helper, and my
Glória Patri, et Fílio, *
et Spirítui Sancto.
Glory be to the Father,
and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost.
Sicut erat in princípio,
et nunc, et semper, * et in sǽcula sæculórum. Amen.
As it was in the
beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
Psalm 33
Benedícam Dóminum in omni témpore: * semper laus eius in ore meo.
I will bless the Lord alway; his praise shall ever be in my mouth.
In Dómino laudábitur ánima mea : * áudiant mansuéti, et læténtur.
My soul shall make her boast in the Lord; the humble shall hear
thereof, and be glad.
Magnificáte Dóminum mecum : * et exaltémus nomen eius in idípsum.
O praise the Lord with me, and let us magnify his Name together.
Exquisívi Dóminum, et exaudívit me : * et ex ómnibus tribulatiónibus
meis erípuit me.
I sought the Lord, and he heard me; yea, he delivered me out of all my
Accédite ad eum, et illuminámini : * et fácies vestræ non
Come ye unto him, and be enlightened; and your faces shall not be
Iste pauper clamávit, et Dóminus exaudívit eum : * et de ómnibus
tribulatiónibus eius salvávit eum.
Lo, the poor hath cried out, and the Lord heard him; yea, and hath
saved him out of all his troubles.
Immíttet Angelus Dómini in circúitu timéntium eum : * et erípiet eos.
The angel of the Lord shall tarry round about them that fear him, and
he shall deliver them.
Gustáte, et vidéte quóniam suávis est Dóminus : * beátus vir, qui
sperat in eo.
O taste, and see that the Lord is gracious: blessed is the man that
trusteth in him.
Timéte Dóminum, omnes sancti eius : * quóniam non est inópia
timéntibus eum.
O fear the Lord, ye that are his saints; for they that fear him lack
Dívites eguérunt et esuriérunt : * inquiréntes autem Dóminum non
minuéntur omni bono.
The rich have wanted, and have suffered hunger; but they who seek the
Lord shall want no manner of thing that is good.
Veníte, fílii, audíte me : * timórem Dómini docébo vos.
Come, ye children, and hearken unto me; I will teach you the fear of
the Lord.
Quis est homo qui vult vitam: * díligit dies vidére bonos?
What man is he that lusteth to live, and would fain see good days?
Próhibe linguam tuam a malo : * et lábia tua ne loquántur dolum.
Keep thy tongue from evil, and thy lips, that they speak no guile.
Divérte a malo, et fac bonum : * inquire pacem, et perséquere eam.
Eschew evil, and do good; seek peace, and ensue it.
Oculi Dómini super iustos: * et aures eius in preces eórum.
The eyes of the Lord are over the righteous, and his ears are open
unto their prayers.
Vultus autem Dómini super faciéntes mala : * ut perdat de terra
memóriam eórum.
The countenance of the Lord is against them that do evil, to root out
the remembrance of them from the earth.
Clamavérunt iusti, et Dóminus exaudívit eos: * et ex ómnibus
tribulatiónibus eórum liberávit eos.
The righteous have cried out, and the Lord heard them, and hath
delivered them out of all their troubles.
Iuxta est Dóminus iis, qui tribuláto sunt corde : * et húmiles spíritu
The Lord is nigh unto them that are of a contrite heart, and will save
such as be of an humble spirit.
Multæ tribulatiónes iustórum : * et de ómnibus his liberávit eos
Great are the troubles of the righteous; but the Lord delivereth him
out of all.
Custódit Dóminus ómnia ossa eórum : * unum ex his non conterétur.
He keepeth all his bones, so that not one of them is broken.
Mors peccatórum péssima : * et qui odérunt iustum, delínquent.
But the death of the ungodly is most evil; and they that hate the
righteous shall be desolate.
Redimet Dóminus ánimas servórum suórum : * et non delínquent omnes qui
sperant in eo.
The Lord shall redeem the souls of his servants; and all they that put
their trust in him shall not be destitute.
Glória Patri, et Fílio, * et Spirítui
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost.
Sicut erat in princípio, et nunc, et semper, * et in sǽcula sæculórum. Amen.
As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
Psalm 44
cor meum verbum bonum: * dico ego ópera mea Regi.
My heart has uttered a good word: I speak my works
to the king:
Lingua mea cálamus scribæ: * velóciter
My tongue is the pen of a scrivener that writes
Speciósus forma præ fíliis hóminum, † diffúsa est
grátia in lábiis tuis: * proptérea benedíxit te Deus in ætérnum.
You are beautiful above the sons of men: grace is
poured abroad in your lips; therefore has God blessed you forever.
Accíngere gládio tuo super femur tuum, *
Gird your sword upon your thigh, O you most
Spécie tua et pulchritúdine tua: * inténde,
próspere procéde, et regna.
With your comeliness and your beauty set out,
proceed prosperously, and reign.
Propter veritátem, et mansuetúdinem, et
iustítiam: * et dedúcet te mirabíliter déxtera tua.
Because of truth and meekness and justice: and
your right hand shall conduct you wonderfully.
Sagíttæ tuæ acútæ, pópuli sub te cadent: * in
corda inimicórum Regis.
Your arrows are sharp: under you shall people
fall, into the hearts of the king's enemies.
Sedes tua, Deus, in sæculum sæculi: * virga
directiónis virga regni tui.
Your throne, O God, is forever and ever: the
sceptre of your kingdom is a sceptre of uprightness
Dilexísti iustítiam, et odísti iniquitátem: *
proptérea unxit te, Deus, Deus tuus, óleo lætítiæ præ consórtibus tuis.
You have loved justice, and hated iniquity:
therefore God, your God, has anointed you with the oil of gladness above your
Myrrha, et gutta, et cásia a vestiméntis tuis, a
dómibus ebúrneis: * ex quibus delectavérunt te fíliæ regum in honóre tuo.
Myrrh and stacte and cassia perfume your
garments, from the ivory houses: out of which the daughters of kings have
delighted you in your glory.
Astitit regína a dextris tuis in vestítu
deauráto: * circúmdata varietáte
The queen stood on your right hand, in gilded
clothing; surrounded with variety.
Audi, fília, et vide, et inclína aurem tuam: * et
oblivíscere pópulum tuum, et domum patris tui.
Hearken, O daughter, and see, and incline your
ear: and forget your people and your father's house.
Et concupíscet Rex decórem tuum: * quóniam ipse
est Dóminus Deus tuus, et adorábunt eum.
And the king shall greatly desire your beauty;
for he is the Lord your God, and him they shall adore.
Et fíliæ Tyri in munéribus * vultum tuum
deprecabúntur: omnes dívites plebis.
And the daughters of Tyre with gifts, yea, all
the rich among the people, shall entreat your countenance.
Omnis glória eius fíliæ Regis ab intus, * in
fímbriis áureis circumamícta varietátibus.
All the glory of the king's daughter is within in
golden borders, clothed round about with varieties.
Adducéntur Regi vírgines post eam: * próximæ eius
afferéntur tibi.
After her shall virgins be brought to the king:
her neighbours shall be brought to you.
Afferéntur in lætítia et exsultatióne: *
adducéntur in templum Regis.
They shall be brought with gladness and rejoicing:
they shall be brought into the temple of the king.
Pro pátribus tuis nati sunt tibi fílii: *
constítues eos príncipes super omnem terram.
Instead of your fathers, sons are born to you:
you shall make them princes over all the earth.
Mémores erunt nóminis tui: * in omni generatióne
et generatiónem.
They shall remember your name throughout all generations.
Proptérea pópuli confitebúntur tibi in ætérnum: *
et in sæculum sæculi.
Therefore shall people praise you forever; yea,
for ever and ever.
Glória Patri, et Fílio, * et Spirítui Sancto.
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to
the Holy Ghost.
Sicut erat in princípio, et nunc, et semper, * et
in sǽcula sæculórum. Amen.
As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever
shall be, world without end. Amen.
Omnes gentes, pláudite mánibus: * iubiláte
Deo in voce exsultatiónis!
clap your hands, all you nations: shout unto God with the voice of joy,
Quóniam Dóminus excélsus, terríbilis: * Rex magnus
super omnem terram.
the Lord is high, terrible: a great king over all the earth.
Subiécit pópulos nobis: * et gentes sub pédibus
has subdued the people under us; and the nations under our feet.
nobis hereditátem suam : * spéciem Iacob, quam diléxit.
has chosen for us his inheritance, the beauty of Jacob which he has love.
Deus in iúbilo: * et Dóminus in voce tubæ.
is ascended with jubilee, and the Lord with the sound of trumpet.
Psállite Deo nostro, psállite: * psállite Regi nostro,
praises to our God; sing. Sing praises to our king; sing.
Rex omnis terræ Deus: * psállite sapiénter!
God is the king of all the earth: sing wisely.
Deus super gentes: * Deus sedet super sedem sanctam suam.
shall reign over the nations: God sits on his holy throne.
populórum congregáti sunt cum Deo Abraham: * quóniam dii fortes terræ
veheménter eleváti sunt.
princes of the people are gathered together, with the God of Abraham: for the
strong gods of the earth are exceedingly exalted.
Patri, et Fílio, * et Spirítui Sancto.
be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost.
erat in princípio, et nunc, et semper, * et in sǽcula sæculórum. Amen.
it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
Psalm 60
Exáudi, Deus, deprecatiónem meam: * inténde oratióni meæ.
Hear, O God, my supplication: be attentive to my prayer.
A fínibus terræ ad te clamávi: * dum anxiarétur cor meum,
in petra exaltásti me.
To you have I cried from the ends of the earth: when my
heart was in anguish, you have exalted me on a rock.
Deduxísti me, quia factus es spes
mea: * turris fortitúdinis a fácie inimíci.
You have conducted me; for you have been my hope; a tower
of strength against the face of the enemy.
Inhabitábo in tabernáculo tuo in sæcula: * prótegar in
velaménto alárum tuárum.
In your tabernacle I shall dwell forever: I shall be
protected under the covert of your wings.
Quóniam tu, Deus meus, exaudísti oratiónem meam: * dedísti
hereditátem timéntibus nomen tuum.
For you, my God, have heard my prayer: you have given an
inheritance to them that fear your name.
Dies super dies regis adiícies: * annos eius usque in diem
generatiónis et generatiónis.
You will add days to the days of the king: his years even
to generation and generation.
Pérmanet in ætérnum in conspéctu Dei: * misericórdiam et
veritátem eius quis requíret?
He abides forever in the sight of God: his mercy and truth
who shall search?
Sic psalmum dicam nómini tuo in
sæculum sæculi: * ut reddam vota mea de die in diem.
So will I sing a psalm to your name for ever and ever:
that I may pay my vows from day to day.
Glória Patri, et Fílio, * et Spirítui Sancto.
Glory be to the Father,
and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost.
Sicut erat in princípio,
et nunc, et semper, * et in sǽcula sæculórum. Amen.
As it was in the
beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
Psalm 63
Exáudi, Deus, oratiónem meam cum déprecor: * a timóre inimíci éripe ánimam meam.
Hear O God, my prayer,
when I make supplication to you: deliver my soul from the fear of the enemy.
Protexísti me a convéntu
malignántium: * a multitúdine operántium iniquitátem.
You have protected me
from the assembly of the malignant; from the multitude of the workers of
Quia exacuérunt ut gládium
linguas suas: † intendérunt arcum rem amáram, * ut sagíttent in occúltis
For they have whetted
their tongues like a sword; they have bent their bow a bitter thing, to shoot
in secret the undefiled.
Súbito sagittábunt eum,
et non timébunt: * firmavérunt sibi sermónem nequam.
They will shoot at him on
a sudden, and will not fear: they are resolute in wickedness.
Narravérunt ut
abscónderent láqueos: * dixérunt: Quis vidébit eos?
They have talked of
hiding snares; they have said: Who shall see them?
Scrutáti sunt
iniquitátes: * defecérunt scrutántes scrutínio.
They have searched after
iniquities: they have failed in their search.
Accédet homo ad cor
altum: * et exaltábitur Deus.
Man shall come to a deep
heart: And God shall be exalted.
Sagíttæ parvulórum factæ
sunt plagæ eórum: * et infirmátæ sunt contra eos linguæ eórum.
The arrows of children
are their wounds: And their tongues against them are made weak
Conturbáti sunt omnes qui
vidébant eos: * et tímuit omnis homo.
All that saw them were
troubled; and every man was afraid.
Et annuntiavérunt ópera
Dei, * et facta eius intellexérunt.
And they declared the
works of God, and understood his doings.
Lætábitur iustus in
Dómino, et sperábit in eo: * et laudabúntur omnes recti corde.
The just shall rejoice in
the Lord, and shall hope in him: and all the upright in heart shall be
Glória Patri, et Fílio, * et Spirítui Sancto.
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost.
Sicut erat in princípio, et nunc, et semper, * et in sǽcula sæculórum.
As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without
end. Amen.
Nocturn II
Psalm 74
tibi, Deus: * confitébimur,
et invocábimus nomen tuum
We will praise you, O God: we will praise, and we
will call upon your name.
Narrábimus mirabília tua: * cum
accépero tempus, ego iustítias iudicábo.
We will relate your wondrous works: When I shall
take a time, I will judge justices.
Liquefácta est terra, et omnes qui hábitant in
ea: * ego confirmávi colúmnas eius.
The earth is melted, and all that dwell therein:
I have established the pillars thereof.
Dixi iníquis: Nolíte iníque ágere: * et
delinquéntibus: Nolíte exaltáre cornu:
I said to the wicked: Do not act wickedly: and to
the sinners: Lift not up the horn.
Nolíte extóllere in altum
cornu vestrum: * nolíte loqui advérsus Deum iniquitátem.
Lift not up your horn on high: speak not iniquity
against God.
Quia neque ab oriénte, neque
ab occidénte, neque a desértis móntibus: * quóniam Deus iudex est.
For neither from the east, nor from the west, nor
from the desert hills: For God is the judge.
Hunc humíliat, et hunc
exáltat: * quia calix in manu Dómini vini meri plenus misto.
One he puts down, and another he lifts up: For in
the hand of the Lord there is a cup of strong wine full of mixture.
Et inclinávit ex hoc in hoc: † verúmtamen fæx eius
non est exinaníta: * bibent omnes peccatóres terræ.
And he has poured it out from this to that: but
the dregs thereof are not emptied: all the sinners of the earth shall drink.
Ego autem annuntiábo in sæculum: * cantábo Deo
But I will declare forever: I will sing to the God
of Jacob.
Et ómnia córnua peccatórum confríngam: * et
exaltabúntur córnua iusti.
And I will break all the horns of sinners: but
the horns of the just shall be exalted.
Glória Patri, et Fílio, * et Spirítui Sancto.
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost.
Sicut erat in princípio, et nunc, et semper, * et in sǽcula sæculórum.
As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without
end. Amen.
Dómino cánticum novum: * cantáte Dómino, omnis terra.
to the Lord a new canticle: sing to the Lord, all the earth.
Dómino, et benedícite nómini eius: * annuntiáte de die in diem salutáre eius.
to the Lord and bless his name: show forth his salvation from day to day.
inter gentes glóriam eius, * in ómnibus pópulis mirabília eius.
his glory among the Gentiles: his wonders among all people.
Quóniam magnus Dóminus, et laudábilis nimis: *
terríbilis est super omnes deos.
the Lord is great, and exceedingly to be praised: he is to be feared above
all gods.
omnes dii Géntium dæmónia: * Dóminus autem cælos fecit.
all the gods of the Gentiles are devils: but the Lord made the heavens.
et pulchritúdo in conspéctu eius: * sanctimónia et magnificéntia in sanctificatióne
and beauty are before him: holiness and majesty in his sanctuary.
Dómino, pátriæ géntium, † afférte Dómino glóriam et honórem: * afférte Dómino
glóriam nómini eius.
to the Lord, O you kindreds of the Gentiles, bring to the Lord glory and
honour: Bring to the Lord glory unto
his name.
Tóllite hóstias, et introíte in átria eius: * adoráte
Dóminum in átrio sancto eius.
up sacrifices, and come into his courts: Adore the Lord in his holy court.
a fácie eius univérsa terra: * dícite in Géntibus quia Dóminus regnávit.
all the earth be moved at his presence. Say among the Gentiles, the Lord has
corréxit orbem terræ qui non commovébitur: * iudicábit pópulos in æquitáte.
he has corrected the world, which shall not be moved: he will judge the
people with justice.
cæli, et exsúltet terra: † commoveátur mare et plenitúdo eius: * gaudébunt
campi, et ómnia quæ in eis sunt.
the heavens rejoice, and let the earth be glad, let the sea be moved, and the
fullness thereof:
fields and all things that are in them shall be joyful.
exsultábunt ómnia ligna silvárum a fácie Dómini, quia venit: * quóniam venit iudicáre
shall all the trees of the woods rejoice before the face of the Lord, because
he comes: because he comes to judge the earth.
orbem terræ in æquitáte, * et pópulos in veritáte sua.
shall judge the world with justice, and the people with his truth.
Glória Patri, et Fílio, *
et Spirítui Sancto.
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost.
Sicut erat in princípio, et nunc, et semper, * et in sǽcula sæculórum.
As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without
end. Amen.
Psalm 96
Dóminus regnávit exsúltet terra: * læténtur ínsulæ multæ.
The Lord has reigned,
let the earth rejoice: let many islands be glad.
Nubes, et calígo in circúitu eius: * iustítia, et iudícium corréctio
sedis eius.
Clouds and darkness
are round about him: justice and judgment are the establishment of his
Ignis ante ipsum
præcédet: * et inflammábit in circúitu inimícos eius.
A fire shall go
before him, and shall burn his enemies round about.
Illuxérunt fúlgura eius
orbi terræ: * vidit et commóta est terra.
His lightnings have
shone forth to the world: the earth saw and trembled.
Montes, sicut cera
fluxérunt a fácie Domini: * a fácie Dómini omnis terra.
The mountains melted
like wax, at the presence of the Lord: at the presence of the Lord of all the
Annuntiavérunt cæli iustítiam
eius: * et vidérunt omnes pópuli glóriam eius.
The heavens declared
his justice: and all people saw his glory.
Confundántur omnes,
qui adórant sculptília: * et qui gloriántur in simulácris suis.
Let them be all
confounded that adore graven things, and that glory in their idols.
Adoráte eum, omnes
Angeli eius: * audívit, et lætáta est Sion.
Adore him, all you
his angels: Sion heard, and was glad.
Et exsultavérunt
fíliæ Iudæ: * propter iudícia tua, Dómine:
And the daughters of
Juda rejoiced, because of your judgments, O Lord.
Quóniam tu Dóminus Altíssimus super omnem terram: * nimis exaltátus es
super omnes deos.
For you are the most
high Lord over all the earth: you are exalted exceedingly above all gods.
Qui dilígitis
Dóminum, odite malum: † custódit Dóminus ánimas sanctórum suórum, * de manu
peccatóris liberábit eos.
You that love the
Lord, hate evil: the Lord preserves the souls of his saints, he will deliver
them out of the hand of the sinner.
Lux orta est iusto, * et rectis corde lætítia.
Light is risen to the
just, and joy to the right of heart.
Lætámini, iusti in
Dómino: * et confitémini memóriæ sanctificatiónis eius.
Rejoice, you just, in
the Lord: and give praise to the remembrance of his holiness.
Glória Patri, et Fílio, * et Spirítui Sancto.
Glory be to the Father,
and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost.
Sicut erat in princípio,
et nunc, et semper, * et in sǽcula sæculórum. Amen.
As it was in the
beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
Psalm 97
Cantáte Dómino cánticum novum: * quia
mirabília fecit!
Sing to the Lord a
new canticle: because he has done wonderful things.
Salvávit sibi déxtera
eius: * et bráchium sanctum eius.
His right hand has
wrought for him salvation, and his arm is holy.
Notum fecit Dóminus
salutáre suum: * in conspéctu Géntium revelávit iustítiam suam.
The Lord has made
known his salvation: he has revealed his justice in the sight of the
Recordátus est
misericórdiæ suæ, * et veritátis suæ dómui Israël.
He has remembered his
mercy and his truth toward the house of Israel.
Vidérunt omnes
términi terræ * salutáre Dei nostri.
All the ends of the
earth have seen the salvation of our God.
Iubiláte Deo, omnis
terra: * cantáte, et exsultáte, et psállite!
Sing joyfully to God,
all the earth; make melody, rejoice and sing
Psállite Dómino in cíthara, in cíthara et voce psalmi: * in tubis
ductílibus, et voce tubæ córneæ.
Sing praise to the
Lord on the harp, on the harp, and with the voice of a psalm: with long
trumpets, and sound of cornet.
Iubiláte in conspéctu
regis Dómini! † Moveátur mare, et plenitúdo eius: * orbis terrárum, et qui
hábitant in eo.
Make a joyful noise
before the Lord our king: Let the sea be moved and the fullness thereof: the
world and they that dwell therein.
Flúmina plaudent manu, † simul montes exsultábunt a conspéctu Dómini: *
quóniam venit iudicáre terram.
The rivers shall clap
their hands, the mountains shall rejoice together at the presence of the
Lord: because he comes to judge the earth.
Iudicábit orbem
terrárum in iustítia, * et pópulos in æquitáte.
He shall judge the
world with justice, and the people with equity.
Glória Patri, et Fílio, * et Spirítui Sancto.
Glory be to the Father,
and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost.
Sicut erat in princípio,
et nunc, et semper, * et in sǽcula sæculórum. Amen.
As it was in the
beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
Psalm 98
Dóminus regnávit, irascántur
pópuli: * qui sedet super
Chérubim, moveátur terra.
The Lord has reigned, let the people be angry: he that sits on the cherubims:
let the earth be moved.
Dóminus in Sion magnus: * et excélsus super
omnes pópulos.
The lord is great in Sion, and high above all people.
Confiteántur nómini tuo magno: † quóniam terríbile, et sanctum est: *
et honor regis iudícium díligit.
Let them give praise to your great name: for it is terrible and holy:
And the king's honour loves judgment.
Tu parásti directiónes: * iudícium et
iustítiam in Iacob tu fecísti.
You have prepared directions: you have done judgment and justice in Jacob.
Exaltáte Dóminum Deum nostrum, † et adoráte scabéllum pedum eius: * quóniam
sanctum est.
Exalt the Lord our God, and adore his footstool, for it is holy.
Móyses et Aaron in sacerdótibus eius: * et
Sámuel inter eos, qui ínvocant nomen eius.
Moses and Aaron among
his priests: and Samuel among them that call upon his name.
Invocábant Dóminum, et ipse exaudiébat eos: * in colúmna nubis
loquebátur ad eos.
They called upon the Lord, and he heard them: He spoke to them in the pillar
of the cloud.
Custodiébant testimónia eius: * et præcéptum quod dedit illis.
They kept his testimonies, and the commandment which he gave them.
Dómine, Deus noster, tu exaudiébas eos: †
Deus, tu propítius fuísti eis, * et ulcíscens in omnes adinventiónes eórum.
You heard them, O Lord our God: you were a merciful God to them, and
taking vengeance on all their inventions.
Exaltáte Dóminum Deum nostrum, † et adoráte in monte sancto eius: *
quóniam sanctus Dóminus Deus noster!
Exalt the Lord our God, and adore at his holy mountain: for the Lord
our God is holy
Patri, et Fílio, * et Spirítui Sancto.
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost.
Sicut erat in princípio, et nunc, et semper, * et in sǽcula sæculórum.
As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end.
Psalm 100
Misericórdiam, et iudícium
* cantábo tibi, Dómine:
Mercy and judgment I will sing to you, O Lord:
Psallam, et intélligam in
via immaculáta, * quando vénies ad me.
I will sing, and I will understand in the unspotted
way, when you shall come to me.
Perambulábam in innocéntia
cordis mei: * in médio domus meæ.
I walked in the innocence of my heart, in the
midst of my house.
Non proponébam ante óculos
meos rem iniústam: * faciéntes prævaricatiónes odívi.
I will not set before my eyes any unjust thing: I
hated the workers of iniquities
Non adhæsit mihi cor pravum:
* declinántem a me malígnum non cognoscébam.
The perverse heart did not cleave to me: and the
malignant, that turned aside from me, I would not know.
Detrahéntem secréto próximo
suo, * hunc persequébar.
The man that in private detracted his neighbour,
him did I persecute.
Supérbo óculo, et insatiábili corde, * cum hoc
non edébam.
With him that had a proud eye, and an unsatiable
heart, I would not eat.
Oculi mei ad fidéles terræ ut sédeant mecum: *
ámbulans in via immaculáta, hic mihi ministrábat.
My eyes were upon the faithful of the earth, to
sit with me: the man that walked in the perfect way, he served me.
Non habitábit in médio domus meæ, qui facit
supérbiam: * qui lóquitur iníqua, non diréxit in conspéctu oculórum meórum.
He that works pride shall not dwell in the midst
of my house: he that speaks unjust things did not prosper before my eyes.
In matutíno interficiébam
omnes peccatóres terræ: * ut dispérderem de civitáte Dómini omnes operántes
In the morning I put to death all the wicked of
the land: that I might cut off all the workers of iniquity from the city of
the Lord.
Glória Patri, et Fílio, * et Spirítui Sancto.
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost.
Sicut erat in princípio, et nunc, et semper, * et in sǽcula sæculórum.
As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without
end. Amen.
Isaiae (61: 6-9)
Vos autem sacerdótes
Dómini vocabímini: * minístri Dei nostri, dicétur vobis:
But you shall be
called the priests of the Lord: to you it shall be said: Ye ministers of our
Fortitúdinem géntium
comedétis, * et in glória eárum superbiétis.
You shall eat the riches
of the Gentiles, and you shall pride yourselves in their glory.
Pro confusióne
vestra dúplici et rubóre, * laudábunt partem suam;
For your double
confusion and shame, they shall praise their part:
Propter hoc in terra
sua duplícia possidébunt, * lætítia sempitérna erit eis.
Therefore shall they
receive double in their land, everlasting joy shall be unto them.
Quia ego Dóminus
díligens iudícium, * et ódio habens rapínam in holocáusto:
For I am the Lord
that love judgment, and hate robbery in a holocaust:
Et dabo opus eórum
in veritáte, * et fœdus perpétuum fériam eis.
And I will make
their work in truth, and I will make a perpetual covenant with them.
Et scient in
géntibus semen eórum, * et germen eórum in médio populórum:
And they shall know
their seed among the Gentiles, and their offspring in the midst of peoples:
Omnes qui víderint
eos cognóscent illos, * quia isti sunt semen, cui benedíxit Dóminus.
All that shall see
them, shall know them, that these are the seed which the Lord hath blessed.
Glória Patri, et
Fílio, * et Spirítui Sancto.
Glory be to the
Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost.
Sicut erat in
princípio, et nunc, et semper, * et in sǽcula sæculórum. Amen.
As it was in the
beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
Sapientiae (3: 7-9)
Fulgébunt iusti, *
et tamquam scintíllæ in arundinéto discúrrent.
The just shall
shine, and shall run to and fro like sparks among the reeds.
Iudicábunt natiónes,
et dominabúntur pópulis, * et regnábit Dóminus illórum in perpétuum.
They shall judge
nations, and rule over people, and their Lord shall reign for ever.
Qui confídunt in
illo, intélligent veritátem, * et fidéles in dilectióne acquiéscent illi:
They that trust in
him, shall understand the truth: and they that are faithful in love shall
rest in him:
Quóniam donum * et
pax est eléctis eius.
For grace and peace
is to his elect.
Glória Patri, et
Fílio, * et Spirítui Sancto.
Glory be to the
Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost.
Sicut erat in
princípio, et nunc, et semper, * et in sǽcula sæculórum. Amen.
As it was in the
beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
Sapientiae (10: 17-21)
Réddidit Deus iustis
mercédem labórum suórum, * et dedúxit illos in via mirábili:
And God rendered to
the just the wages of their labours, and conducted them in a wonderful way:
Et fuit illis in
velaménto diéi, * et in luce stellárum per noctem;
And he was to them
for a covert by day, and for the light of stars by night:
Tránstulit illos per
mare Rubrum, * et transvéxit illos per aquam nímiam.
And he brought them
through the Red Sea, and carried them over through a great water.
Inimícos autem
illórum demérsit in mare, * et ab altitúdine inferórum edúxit illos.
But their enemies he
drowned in the sea, and from the depth of hell he brought them out.
Ideo iusti tulérunt
spólia impiórum, * et decantavérunt, Dómine, nomen sanctum tuum,
Therefore the just
took the spoils of the wicked, And they sung to thy holy name, O Lord,
Et victrícem manum
tuam laudavérunt páriter: † quóniam sapiéntia apéruit os mutórum, * et
línguas infántium fecit disértas.
And they praised
with one accord thy victorious hand, for wisdom opened the mouth of the dumb,
and made the tongues of infants eloquent.
Glória Patri, et
Fílio, * et Spirítui Sancto.
Glory be to the
Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost.
Sicut erat in
princípio, et nunc, et semper, * et in sǽcula sæculórum. Amen.
As it was in the
beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
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