
January 2/Octave day of St Stephen

In the 1960 rubrics, the Benedictine Office is of January 2, but in earlier calendars it is either the Feast of the Most Holy Name of Jesus (said on the first Sunday of the year, but on January 2 if the Sunday falls on January 1, 6 or 7) or the Octave Day of St Stephen (in which case the first two readings are as in the 1960 Office, the third reading is Patristic).   

1960 rubrics

Invitatory antiphon
Christus natus est nobis: * Veníte, adorémus.
Unto us a Christ is born, * O come, let us worship Him.
LR 54

Christe, Redémptor ómnium,
Ex Patre, Patris Unice,
Solus ante princípium
Natus ineffabíliter,

Christ, the Father's only Son,
Whose death for all redemption won,
Before the worlds, of God most high,
Begotten all ineffably.

Tu lumen, tu splendor Patris,
Tu spes perénnis ómnium,
Inténde quas fundunt preces
Tui per orbem fámuli.

The Father's Light and Splendor
Thou their endless Hope to Thee that bow:
Accept the prayers and praise today
That through the world Thy servants pay.

Meménto, salútis auctor,
Quod nostri quondam córporis,
Ex illibáta Vírgine
Nascéndo, formam súmpseris.

Salvation's author, call to mind how,
Taking the form of humankind,
Born of a Virgin undefiled,
Thou in man's flesh becamest a Child.

Sic praesens testátur dies,
Currens per anni círculum,
Quod a solus sede Patris
Mundi salus advéneris;

Thus testifies the present day
Through every year in long array,
That Thou, salvation's source alone
Proceedest from the Father's Throne.

Hunc caelum, terra, hunc mare,
Hunc omne quod in eis est,
Auctórem advéntus tui
Laudans exsúltat cántico.

Whence sky, and stars, and sea's abyss, and earth,
And all that therein is, shall still,
With laud and carol meet,
The Author of thine Advent greet.

Nos quoque, qui sancto tuo
Redémpti sánguine sumus,
Ob diem natális tui
Hymnum novum concínimus.

And we who, by Thy precious Blood
From sin redeemed, are marked for God,
On this, the day that saw Thy Birth,
Sing the new song of ransomed earth.

Glória tibi, Dómine,
Qui natus es de Vírgine,
Cum Patre et Sancto Spíritu,
In sempitérna sǽcula. Amen.

Glory to you O Lord,
Who wast born of the Virgin;
Whom with the Father we adore, and Holy Ghost Forevermore. Amen.


[OR: for St Stephen, invitatory and hymn of the feast.]

Nocturn I

V. Tamquam sponsus.
R. Dóminus procédens de thálamo suo.
V. The Lord is as a bridegroom.
R. Coming out of his chamber.

Readings and responsories

Reading 1: De Epístola ad Romános - Iustificáti ex fide, pacem habeámus ad Deum per Dóminum nostrum Iesum Christum: per quem et habémus accéssum per fidem in grátiam istam, in qua stamus, et gloriámur in spe glóriæ filiórum Dei. Non solum autem, sed et gloriámur in tribulatiónibus: scientes, quod tribulátio patiéntiam operátur, patiéntia autem probatiónem, probátio vero spem, spes autem non confúndit: quia cáritas Dei diffúsa est in córdibus nostris per Spíritum Sanctum, qui datus est nobis.

From the letter of blessed Apostle Paul to the Romans - Being justified therefore by faith, let us have peace with God, through our Lord Jesus Christ: By whom also we have access through faith into this grace, wherein we stand, and glory in the hope of the glory of the sons of God. And not only so; but we glory also in tribulations, knowing that tribulation worketh patience; And patience trial; and trial hope; And hope confoundeth not: because the charity of God is poured forth in our hearts, by the Holy Ghost, who is given to us.

R. Ecce / Agnus Dei, ecce qui tollit peccáta mundi: † ecce de quo dicébam vobis: Qui post me venit, ante me factus est: * Cuius non sum dignus corrígiam calceaménti sólvere.
V. Qui de terra est, de terra lóquitur: † qui de cælo venit, super omnes est.
R. Cuius non sum dignus corrígiam calceaménti sólvere.
R. Behold the Lamb of God, behold Him Which taketh away the sins of the world; behold Him of Whom I said unto you: He That cometh after me is preferred before me * Whose shoe's latchet I am not worthy to unloose.
V. He that is of the earth speaketh of the earth; He That cometh from heaven is above all.
R. Whose shoe's latchet I am not worthy to unloose.
LR 64-4/NR 203-4

Reading 2: Ut quid enim Christus, cum adhuc infírmi essémus, secúndum tempus, pro ímpiis mórtuus est? Vix enim pro iusto quis móritur: nam pro bono fórsitan quis áudeat mori. Comméndat autem caritátem suam Deus in nobis: quóniam cum adhuc peccatóres essémus, secúndum tempus, Christus pro nobis mórtuus est: multo ígitur magis nunc iustificáti in sánguine ipsíus, salvi érimus ab ira per ipsum.
For why did Christ, when as yet we were weak, according to the time, die for the ungodly? For scarce for a just man will one die; yet perhaps for a good man someone would dare to die.  But God commendeth his charity towards us; because when as yet we were sinners, according to the time, Christ died for us; much more therefore, being now justified by his blood, shall we be saved from wrath through him. 

R. Dies / sanctificátus illúxit nobis: † veníte, gentes, et adoráte Dóminum: * Quia hódie descéndit lux magna in terris.
V. Hæc dies quam fecit Dóminus, † exsultémus et lætémur in ea.
R. Quia hódie descéndit lux magna in terris.
R. This day which is breaking is holy; O come, ye Gentiles, and worship the Lord.* For this day is much light come down unto us from heaven.
V. This is the day which the Lord hath made, let us rejoice and be glad in it.
R. For this day is much light come down unto us from heaven.
NR 204

Reading 3: Si enim cum inimíci essémus, reconciliáti sumus Deo per mortem Fílii eius: multo magis reconciliáti, salvi érimus in vita ipsíus. Non solum autem: sed et gloriámur in Deo per Dóminum nostrum Iesum Christum, per quem nunc reconciliatiónem accépimus. Proptérea sicut per unum hóminem peccátum in hunc mundum intrávit, et per peccátum mors, et ita in omnes hómines mors pertránsiit, in quo omnes peccavérunt.

For if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son; much more, being reconciled, shall we be saved by his life. And not only so; but also we glory in God, through our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom we have now received reconciliation. Wherefore as by one man sin entered into this world, and by sin death; and so death passed upon all men, in whom all have sinned.

R. Benedíctus / qui venit in nómine Dómini, † Deus Dóminus, et illúxit nobis: * Allelúia, allelúia.
V. Hæc dies quam fecit Dóminus, † exsultémus et lætémur in ea.
R. Allelúia, allelúia.
R. Blessed be He That cometh in the name of the Lord! God is the Lord Who hath showed us light.* Alleluia, Alleluia.
V. This is the day which the Lord hath made, let us rejoice and be glad in it.
R. Alleluia, Alleluia.
NR 205



Reading 3:  Sermo sancti Augustíni Epíscopi - Christus caput Mártyrum prior passus est pro nobis, relínquens vobis exémplum, ut sequámini vestígia ejus. Cujus passiónis vestígia prosecútus beatíssimus Stéphanus, confiténdo Christum lapidátus a Judǽis, corónam méruit tamquam suo sibi nómine pósitam. Stéphanus enim Græce, Latíne coróna appellátur. Jam coróna nomen habébat, et ídeo palmam martýrii suo nómine præferébat. Qui cum lapidarétur, non solum non exspectábat de persecutóribus reportáre vindíctam, sed eis pótius a Deo véniam postulábat.

From the Sermons of St. Augustine, Bishop of Hippo. Christ, the Captain of the Martyrs, hath first suffered for us, leaving us an example that we should follow His steps. And truly, Blessed Stephen followed them, when, having confessed Christ, he was stoned to death by the Jews, and obtained the crown which his name had foreshown. For the meaning of the Greek name Stephanos is a crown. Already he had a crown for his name, a foreshadowing of the martyr's palm which he bears in heaven. Then they stoned him he did not rejoice at the thought that God would take vengeance on his persecutors. On the contrary, he prayed that they might be forgiven.


R. Stéphanus / autem plenus grátia et fortitúdine, * Faciébat prodígia et signa magna in pópulo.
V. Surrexérunt quidam de synagóga disputántes cum Stéphano: † et non póterant resístere sapiéntiæ, et Spiritui qui loquebátur.
R. Faciébat prodígia et signa magna in pópulo.
V. Gloria patri...
R. Faciebat
R. And Stephen, full of grace and power * Did great wonders and miracles among the people.
V. There arose certain of the synagogue, disputing with Stephen; and they were not able to resist the wisdom, and the Spirit which spake.
R. Did great wonders and miracles among the people.

NR 177

Nocturn II

Chapter and versicle
Et: Tu in príncipio, Dómine, terram fundásti: * et ópera mánuum tuárum sunt caeli.

And: Thou in the beginning, O Lord, didst found the earth: and the works of thy hands are the heavens.

V. Vidérunt omnes fines terrae, allelúia.
R. Salutáre Dei nostri, allelúia.
V. All the ends of the earth have seen.
R. The salvation of our God, alleluia.

Deus, qui salútis ætérnæ, beátæ Maríæ virginitáte fecúnda, humáno géneri prǽmia præstitísti: † tribue, quǽsumus; ut ipsam pro nobis intercédere sentiámus, * per quam merúimus auctórem vitæ suscípere, Dóminum nostrum Iesum Christum Fílium tuum: Qui tecum vivit et regnat in unitáte Spíritus Sancti Deus per ómnia sǽcula sæculórum.
O God, who, by the fruitful virginity of blessed Mary, hast bestowed upon mankind the reward of eternal salvation: grant, we beseech Thee, that we may experience her intercession, through whom we have been made worthy to receive the author of life, our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son. Amen.

[OR: For St Stephen, chapter and versicle of a martyr, collect of the feast.]

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