
Ordinary of Passiontide

Invitatory antiphon.

Hódie, si vocem Dómini audiéritis, * Nolíte obduráre corda vestra.
NR LIX; LH 52 -In Psalm 94, omit the Gloria and instead repeat the invitatory in full twice at the end of the psalm.
When you hear the voice of the Lord today * Do not harden your heart.


Pange, lingua, gloriósi
Proélium certáminis,
Et super Crucis trophaéum
Dic triúmphum nóbilem:
Quáliter Redémptor orbis
Immolátus vícerit.

Sing, my tongue, the glorious battle
Sing the last, the dread affray;
O'er the cross, the victor's trophy,
Sound the high triumphal lay:
Tell how Christ, the world's Redeemer,
As a victim won the day.
De paréntis protoplásti
Fraude Factor cóndolens,
Quando pomi noxiális
Morsu in mortem córruit:
Ipse lignum tunc notávit,
Damna ligni ut sólveret.

God, his Maker, sorely grieving
That the first-made Adam fell,
When he ate the fruit of sorrow,
Whose reward was death and hell,
Noted then this wood, the ruin
Of the ancient wood to quell.
Hoc opus nostrae salútis
Ordo depopóscerat:
Multifórmis perditóris
Ars ut artem fálleret,
Et médelam ferret inde,
Hostis unde láeserat.

For the work of our salvation
Needs would have his order so,
And the multiform deceiver's
Art by art would overthrow,
And from thence would bring the med'cine
Whence the insult of the foe.
Quando venit ergo sacri
Plenitúdo témporis,
Missus est ab arce Patris
Natus orbis Cónditor;
Atque ventre virgináli
Caro factus pródiit.

Wherefore, when the sacred fullness
Of the appointed time was come,
This world's Maker left his Father,
Sent the heav'nly mansion from,
And proceeded, God Incarnate,
Of the Virgin's holy womb.
Vagit infans inter arta
Cónditus praesépia:
Membra pannis involúta
Virgo mater álligat:
Et manus pedésque, et crura
Stricta pingit fáscia.

Weeps the infant in the manger
That in Bethlehem's stable stands;
And his limbs the Virgin Mother
Doth compose in swaddling bands,
Meetly thus in linen folding
Of her God the feet and hands.
Glória et honor Deo
Usquequáque altissímo,
Una Patri, Filióque;
Inclito Paráclito:
Cui laus est et potéstas
Per aeterna sáecula. Amen.
Glory be to God, and honor
In the highest, as is meet,
To the Son and to the Father,
And the eternal Paraclete,
Whose is boundless praise and power,
Through the ages infinite. Amen.
LH 61-3

Nocturn I

[Psalms and antiphons as for throughout the year.]



. Érue a frámea, Deus, ánimam meam.
. Et de manu canis únicam meam.
. Deliver, O God, my soul from the sword.
. My only one from the hand of the dog.

Tuesday and Friday:

. De ore leónis líbera me, Dómine.
. Et a córnibus unicórnium humilitátem meam.
. From the lion's mouth, O Lord, save me.
. And my lowness from the horns of the unicorns.

Wednesday and Saturday:

. Ne perdas cum ímpiis, Deus, ánimam meam.
. Et cum viris sánguinum vitam meam.
. Take not away my soul, O God, with the wicked.
. Nor my life with bloody men.

Nocturn II (Jer 11:18-19)

Chapter and versicle
Tu autem, Dómine, demonstrásti mihi, et cognóvi: † tunc ostendísti mihi stúdia eórum. * Et ego quasi agnus mansuétus, qui portátur ad victimam.

But thou, O Lord, hast shewn me, and I have known: then thou shewedst me their doings. And I was as a meek lamb, that is carried to be a victim.
. Eripe me, Dómine, ab hómine malo.
. A viro iníquo éripe me.
. Deliver me, O Lord, from the evil man.
. Rescue me from the unjust man.


Robert Mullenax said...

Hi Kate,

The English translation shown is for another doxology. This version of the hymn has the same doxology as the one for Lauds for Common of Dedication of a Church:

Glory be to God, and honor
In the highest, as is meet,
To the Son and to the Father,
And the eternal Paraclete,
Whose is boundless praise and power,
Through the ages infinite. Amen.

God Bless,
Robert Mullenax

Kate Edwards said...

thanks for the catch Robert, you are quite right!

I will fix....

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